Are you looking for an electric hoist or an electric chain hoist? When you’re looking to buy an electric (chain) hoist, it’s important to keep your specific needs in mind.

Here are three tips that will help make the process a bit easier:
Tip 1. Decide what type of load you will be using the electric hoist or electric chain hoist for
Electric hoists and electric chain hoists are used for all types of purposes by all types of people. They are used in diverse sectors and environments ranging from construction to garages to shipbuilding. Needless to say, the demands these different types of usage puts on the electric hoist or electric chain hoist vary widely. For example, an electric hoist of 500kg will vary immensely both in terms of its technical specifications as well as in terms of its price and clientele from say a 5-ton electric hoist.
For that reason, it is important to determine what type of load you are looking to use the electric (chain) hoist for.
Tip 2. Consider where you will be using the electric (chain) hoist
Perhaps you already partly do this when determining the load in quantitative terms as well as the type of load in qualitative terms. But it remains important to consider where you will be using the electric hoist or the electric chain hoist. Say you need a 500 kg electric hoist. How come you need it for 500kg? How can you be sure you will only need one for 500kg?
Tip 3. Make sure to read up on the safety features
Safety is more important than getting the job done. Cause if something fails, you can try it again. But when someone gets injured or even worse – when someone was to die – that is often irreversible. For that reason, it is important to read up on the safety features of the electric hoist or electric chain hoist you are using.
Let us return to our example of the 500kg electric hoist. The safety feature of this hoist may differ from an electric chain hoist that was made for 5 tons. Each electric (chain) hoist offers its own unique safety features. This way, you can choose one that fits your needs and makes you feel safe while using it.
Read more about Hoist UK