6 Tips for Effective Content Distribution in 2022


Offering quality content to users won’t do much good if you can’t find the best way to spread it. Getting it to reach them is just as important as creating it. Also, there is more and more highly prepared competition when it comes to content on the Internet. Therefore, for this year we want to help you plan your content distribution strategies.

Almost 90 million blog posts are made every month, and only with the WordPress platform. It is a considerable amount of content that you must measure up to and improve the quality with which your team creates. To get to position yourself on the first page of Google, it is essential that this content is correctly written, that it adds value to the user who decides to read it, and that it can be reached easily.

As a tip prior to creating a content distribution strategy, you should plan the time you will spend writing and broadcasting. Good planning is the secret to almost guaranteed success. Here are 6 tips you can follow to make your strategy more effective:

6 Tips for Effective Content Distribution

1. Don’t just use Facebook and Google as channels

It is true that these two engines can be a great source of content distribution, however, they are not the only ones. Payment methods, forums, communities, user groups, other social networks, etc. You must carefully study which channel best reaches your target audience, and how you can make it more effective.

Also, not because you write more content, your article will be better. You need to focus on doing more with the content you’ve created. Share, mention, propose, etc. A good distribution of your content in different channels will improve the traffic to your website, the linking, and, hopefully, you will get more conversions.

2. Your blog post turned into an e-book

Offering your users an e-book with the quality content you offer is a way to capture leads. Giving it a different design and the possibility that your users can have it will improve their experience with your brand, with your blog. To do this, there is a tool called Designer that you can use that makes it easy to create an e-book from a blog post.

Make sure you use your keywords and links well, adapt the best design for your readers, that buttons appear to share on social networks, etc. And don’t forget to share it with your friends and family! They can give a lot of play.

3. The trend of video marketing

Not creating videos for your blog? It is essential for these new times. The trend in the use of videos is on the rise, and more so this year. You can not only obtain benefits for users, but for Google and YouTube. It is also a good way to reuse content that you have already published, exploit all the ways in which you can offer it.

FlexClip is a powerful video maker recommended for beginners. It allows you to make marketing videos on browsers, without the need for further installations. We all know that Google includes videos related to that search in its search results. The competition for ranking among those videos is much lower than you might expect in organic searches.

4. Create infographics to share

If what you like is to write long and quality articles, it is best to add an infographic so that your readers can easily share it (especially on social networks). In this infographic, you can summarize the important points of the publication so that they can be read easily and with the naked eye.

DesignCap is a free web platform where you can let your imagination run wild and create great infographics for your posts. In addition, it has templates and designs that adapt to different web spaces, such as publications on Facebook.

5. Email is not dead

Those who say that sending emails is a waste of time are wrong! This is one of the main ways to keep your customers who have brands. You can spread the content of your blog through attractive emails for your subscribers.

When you talk about emails, you have the possibility to innovate with great ideas. For example, include in each email that you send a link to your latest publication with a text that attracts the reader. If you mention other companies or brands, contact them in case they are willing to share this publication on their platforms. You can also contact another company in your sector that is not a direct competitor and propose an exchange of links, mentions, etc. There are many possibilities that you can adopt.

6. Reddit and share

Reddit is a social bookmarking and news aggregator tool. In it, you can leave links to your web content according to topics of interest to users. To do this, you must log in and do a search for the appropriate subreddit for the topic you are dealing with. Once you find it, send a link to your content.

These are some of the tips we have for you, although if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to comment below.  

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6 Tips for Effective Content Distribution in 2021

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